Mosquito Surveillance
The NSVMAD currently has six staff members whose experience range from 8 to 38 years of service. Four mosquito technicians cover 458 square miles of the District’s boundaries. One of the mosquito technicians is the District’s heavy equipment operator. Each member of the staff is certified through the California Department of Public Health in mosquito control, terrestrial invertebrate vector control and vector vertebrate control and is required to obtain 40 units of continued education every 2 years. Each staff member including the Manager-Biologist and Administrative Assistant, is capable of carrying out more than one function within the district program.
The NSVMAD carries out its responsibility to the residents of the area through a multi-faceted program including, but not limited to the following:
Collection of adult mosquito populations throughout the District. Specimens are identified, and reported to the California State lab.
Continuous surveillance and inspection of water sources for mosquito egg, larval and pupal populations.
Insecticide resistance testing of larvae is done in the laboratory and the field.
Survey of pertinent disease occurrence through contacts with veterinarians, state health officials, and local environmental health departments.
Maintenance of encephalitis virus and West Nile virus surveillance programs.